It all started with E-biking and Chai…

Rohan Naggi
3 min readMay 18, 2021

Once upon a time, there was a….hold on, hold on… I am not telling a bedtime story…..This is a real story of how I started off writing this book :-).

I got into e-biking last year with my office buddy Ferdinand and in one of the rides during our chai break, we were discussing training sessions getting delivered to customers/partners and found out that there is a lot of learning required on the SASE front.

Mountain E-biking…taking a chai break and talking about SASE technology

We started talking about cloud security buzzwords like Secure Web gateway, CASB, DLP, SSL inspection, and more and more ..that chai session went into a healthy discussion of an hour :-). It was around Dec 2020 pandemic time. We decided to write a blog but soon we found that that blog would not do justice to all the resources we had around SASE. This is where the “Journey Into the world of SASE” started.

Now lets me share what this book is about and will give a quick tour of inside the book.

What this book about?
This book starts with the networking and security foundation and then goes into explaining why it is important in your existing enterprise environment,

This book covers the basics and in-depth networking and security technologies for you to understand SASE evolution. The book chapter also goes in-depth into VMware SASE architecture and components. There is a chapter dedicated to VMware SASE network flow with multiple diagrams showcasing different user types accessing SaaS or private DC applications. The book also covers the migration aspect with an industry-standard 5 step migration strategy to move towards SASE.

Use Case showcasing Network Flow for VMware SASE PoP

What is SASE? SASE is secure access which is all about security. We covered security from on-premises and cloud security angles. We talk about the fundamentals of security and cloud-delivered services of SASE.

SASE is also Service edge, all about connectivity. Quality of Experience (QoE), application access, and performance.

Who this book for?

This book is intended for any professional interested in gaining greater insight into the terms, concepts, and issues related to the ongoing evolution of security and networking. It has been developed for a range of readers: the executive seeking to understand how their business is changing, the IT leader responsible for driving the transition, and the technologist designing and implementing change.

Book Highlight

  1. Meet Amazon 1st book on SASE
  2. 200 + Pages of technical content with 100+ diagrams to simplify the technical concepts.

3. This is not a dummies book. Technical Book on SASE. Covering foundation for Networking and Security and going in-depth.

4. Different Networking and security technologies discussed with diagrams and use cases like Cloud web security, DLP, CASB, and more. VMware SASE Architecture, Components & Network flow

5.Turn-key solution for moving towards VMware SASE Journey (Best Practices for Migration to SASE)

A quick peek into the book…..

A glance into the table of content for the book

Book Workflow

How do I get a copy of this book?

Order the kindle ebook version of a printed copy from Amazon

Please do provide feedback. Happy reading.

#SASE #SASEbook #Networking #Security #cybersecurity #SD-WAN #VMware #RohanNaggi #FerdinandSales

Disclaimer: This is my personal blog and views are mine.

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Rohan Naggi

Product Manager, Author, Podcaster, Man on Mission-Work Hard & Live the Best Life